Year of Call
Ben was called to the Bar in 1994. His practice results in him appearing primarily in the Crown Courts of the Midlands and Oxford, and the Court of Appeal.


High Pavement Chambers

Ben has acted in cases in the following areas:

• Serious acts of violence (including Murder, Wounding, and Armed Robbery)

• Public Order (including Violent Disorder and Affray)

• Arson

• Robbery (including Armed Robbery)

• Sexual offences against adults and children (including Rape and Indecent Assault)

• Child pornography offences

• Drugs offences (including substantial conspiracies to supply)

• Fraud (including Insurance frauds, Bank Frauds, Counterfeiting, and Social Security Frauds)

• Serious Motoring Offences (including Death by Driving)

• Trading Standards offences

• Trade Mark offences (including large scale counterfeiting)

• Planning offences

Reported Cases
R v P

Where a defendant faced two allegations of rape on separate occasions by

two women, he successfully argued for the severance of indictment, the

defendant was subsequently acquitted of both allegations at separate trials.

R v S

A case of historical sexual abuse against two girls. Ben successfully argued

that the case should be stayed as an abuse of process on the grounds of


R v I

Ben solely represented a 15 year old boy charged with the murder of a

lorry driver by the throwing of a concrete slab into the cab of his moving

vehicle from a motorway bridge. The defendant’s plea to manslaughter was

ultimately accepted after argument.

Related News
Mr Ben Gow

No. 1 High Pavement Chambers are pleased to announce that Mr Ben Gow has accepted an invitation to join Chambers as of 3rd June 2024

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