

Murder & Manslaughter
We are frequently the first port of call in homicide cases, for both prosecution and defence, not only in Nottinghamshire but across the whole of the East Midlands and beyond. We have appeared in the overwhelming majority of these high-profile cases since we started out over thirty years ago.
We enjoy appreciable expertise in dealing with terrorism and related security offences and have experience in many cases of a serious and complex nature, often with an international component.
Rape & Serious Sexual Offences
Known nationally for our sensitive and skilled handling of allegations of a sexual nature, both defence and prosecution frequently make us the first choice in cases of rape and other serious sexual offences; an area of law where we excel and have particular expertise.
Members of Chambers have a broad and extensive range of experience and experience in drugs cases. We pride ourselves on our ability to provide robust, persuasive advocacy and advice in these matters. You will always get an honest, open and straightforward assessment of the merits, or otherwise, of a particular case. We have appeared in many drugs cases, often involving an international element and frequently based upon multiple, interrelated sources of evidence.
Our team at No 1 High Pavement have exceptional experience and expertise in handling allegations of violent crime both in the Midlands and across the United Kingdom.
Human Trafficking & Modern Slavery
Highly skilled in this notoriously complex area of the law, our Counsel are routinely instructed to appear for both the prosecution and defence.
Fraud & Complex Fraud
We are renowned for our expertise in the field of complex fraud matters and frequently receive instruction on behalf of multinational corporations and companies.
Proceeds of Crime (Confiscation & Asset Recovery)
We are consistently instructed for our specialist expertise and knowledge of POCA (Proceeds of Crime Act 2002) work including Confiscation, Restraint, Freezing Orders, Asset Recovery, Variation and Discharge.
Disciplinary & Professional Misconduct
We have a demonstrable track record of advising and representing professionals facing disciplinary proceedings.
Private Prosecutions
We represent clients in the prosecution of Private prosecutions. We have appeared for many different public bodies who have pursued prosecutions in both the Crown and Magistrates Court.
Road Traffic
Our specialist team have handled all types of offence from the most serious allegations of vehicular homicide (including Causing Death by Dangerous or Careless Driving) right through to Excess Alcohol and Driving Whilst Disqualified, where someone’s liberty is frequently at risk.
Health & Safety
We’re instructed on matters involving Health and Safety law, as well as many other similar regulatory proceedings, many being highly complex, nuanced and detailed. We provide advice and advocacy to those at risk of prosecution at an early stage in proceedings as well as prosecuting both privately and on behalf of public bodies.
Organised Crime
As a leading criminal set of chambers in the East Midlands, with experts qualified in multiple jurisdictions as both prosecutors and defenders, we can quickly grasp the numerous issues in complex cases and have a proven track record in cases involving virtually every type of serious and organised crime.
Our barristers represent businesses and professionals in disputes over compliance with regulations and standards.
Appellate Work
Our expert criminal set has a strong presence in the field of appellate work. With a solid understanding of the appeals process and years of experience, we frequently appear in the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division), Administrative Court and Supreme Court.
Members of Chambers sit, or have sat, as coroners and we enjoy considerable experience and expertise in this field. Similarly, our specialist team is ideally placed to assist with most public inquiries.